Set in the 17th Century, the story charts the search for revenge by farmer John Ridd for the murder of his father by the Doones, a notorious family who terrorised the remote areas of Exmoor.
Come and experience the excitement of the tale and the landscape in which the novel was set. Imagine the exploits of the Doones and the highwayman Tom Faggus .. the Robin Hood of Devon. Walk the Lorna Doone Valley and experience the breathtaking landscape across the hills and valleys of Exmoor. Search out the wild Exmoor ponies and herds of red deer across the moors.
A series of events are being held throughout the year celebrating the anniversary ranging from Landrover safaris, readings from the novel, guided walks along the Lorna Doone Valley to music Festivals.
Full details can be found at www.visit-Exmoor or under events on www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk
Holiday accommodation here at Woodcombe Lodges will give you easy access to the events plus the wilds of Exmoor while having the pubs, shops and restaurants and sandy beach at Minehead, the eastern gateway to the Exmoor National Park on your doorstep.
The Lorna Doone Valley follows Badgeworthy water set in the hills beyond Porlock.